Capital Stacking

Financial leverage needs to augment value on equal balance with investor objectives. In most cases, there are multiple providers of capital but not necessarily equal multiple solutions.    

Third-party financial providers all have different pools of capital that are in flux subject to outside market conditions. Similarly, Equity providers have varying capacities of both capital and sensitivity of diversity of product types. Therefore, each must be balanced with cyclical motivations to the Client’s needs at any given time.  

The OPAS Difference

When recommending a capital solution to our Clients, we most likely have experience with that provider in both commitment and performance. Additionally, on a continuing basis, we are reaching out to Debt and Equity providers to stay current with the constantly fluctuating markets and criteria.

With one on one conversations, we identify the pulse of both the market and where the group is now focused. This is a fluid focus that changes from week to week and is then tailor-fit to the right Capital Stacking for the success of each Client’s objectives.  

Capital Stacking inclusive of:

  • Equity Placement

  • Debt Placement

  • Refinancing

  • Construction Financing

  • Bridge Financing

  • Credit Tenant Lease

  • NNN Lease Financing

  • Green Capital / C-Pace

 Case Studies